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Cannabis Storage for Medical Use

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-16      Origin: Site

Medical marijuana, or medical cannabis, refers to any part of the marijuana plant that is prescribed by medical practitioners for the treatment of health problems. The cannabis plant has been used for medicinal uses in many different cultures for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient times when physicians in many parts of the world mixed cannabis into medicines to treat pain and other ailments.

The main uses for medical marijuana include the reduction of nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, improving appetite in people with HIV / AIDS, and reducing chronic pain and muscle spasms. It can be administered through methods such as capsules, dermal patches, oral sprays, edibles and vaporizing.

The legalization of cannabis for medical use varies by country, in terms of how it can be consumed and what medical conditions it can be used for. Several countries have now made it legal such as the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and 33 states in the USA.

The US House of Representatives has recently passed a bill to decriminalize cannabis at the national level for the first time, which calls for removing cannabis from the list of federally controlled substances and erasing certain federal convictions. To become law, the bill needs to pass the Senate and be signed by the president. If that happens, it could help bridge a major disconnect between national and state drug policy in the US.


Cannabis Storage for Medical Use

Cold storage units play a critical role in a wide range of industries. In addition to preventing food and beverage products from spoiling prematurely, they are used to protect temperature-sensitive goods in the electronics, petrochemical, and medical industries. This includes the storage of medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana is defined by its moisture content, which changes rapidly depending on the climate where it is kept. It should be kept at a cool temperature and low humidity. If it is kept in an environment that is too warm and too humid, it may be susceptible to mould. However, if there is too little moisture, it may dry out which causes damage and loss of efficacy. Furthermore, the temperature must be kept above freezing as this can also be damaging to the bud structure, resulting in less potent cannabis.

The following factors must be considering when choosing the right cold storage unit for your specific application.

Temperature and humidity requirements

The correct cold storage unit must be able to control both temperature and humidity to the exact levels required precisely, accurately and quickly. Cold storage units that feature internal monitoring and external communication systems facilitate the maintenance of proper temperature and humidity levels.

Industry standards

Every industry has regulations that govern their products, processes, and equipment. These must be considered as some strictly regulated and aimed towards protecting the health and well-being of consumers.

In regard to cold storage, temperature, humidity, and air quality must be maintained to precise and accurate levels to preserve the integrity of goods in areas such as the food and beverage, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

Duration of use

If your application requires the use of a cold storage unit all year long and for multiple years, purchasing the refrigerator, freezer, or trailer is a more economically viable option. However, if you only need it for a short-term project or seasonally, it may be more beneficial to rent it temporarily.

Biobase’s Cold Storage Units

Cold storage units are available with different operating temperature ranges, cooling speeds, and storage capacities, depending on the application. The following different types are produced by Biobase, and can be used across a wide range of applications.



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