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Definition and classification of centrifuges

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Definition and classification of centrifuges


Definition of centrifuge:

In medical tests, centrifuges are often used as equipment for separating serum, plasma, precipitated proteins or checking urine sediment. The use of a centrifuge can quickly precipitate the suspended particles in the mixed liquid, thereby separating the components of various substances with different specific gravities.


Classification of centrifuges:

Classified by speed: Low Speed Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge and Ultra High Speed Centrifuge.

Low Speed Centrifuge: generally refers to a medical centrifuge with a rotation speed of less than 10,000 rpm.

High Speed Centrifuge: generally refers to a medical centrifuge with a rotation speed of 10,000 to 30,000 rpm.

Ultra High Speed Centrifuge: generally refers to a medical centrifuge with a speed greater than 30,000 rpm.

Classified by temperature: Refrigerated Centrifuge and Normal Temperature Centrifuge.


As a manufacturer of centrifuges, BIOBASE have full production line for MINI Centrifuge, Low Speed Centrifuge, Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge, Other Specific Function Centrifuge. And every year we have many new products that come into the market. If you have a need for BIOBASE centrifuges, you can contact us at any time!


BIOBASE Group  is a new high-tech enterprise focusing on development, production and management of scientific equipment, In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD) instrument and reagent.


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